
Though he had driven by campus countless times, Frankie had no idea how his life would change when he enrolled as a UNC Wilmington student. “I lived here for 15 years,” he exclaimed, “and I had no idea how expansive this place is.”

Despite being on campus, Frankie struggled to find his place and connect with the university community. He often found himself visiting friends at other schools, longing for a sense of belonging. It wasn’t until a minister at a Presbyterian Campus Ministry in Chapel Hill mentioned Wingspan that Frankie decided to give it a shot, though he was uncertain at first.

“It’s always nerve wracking to join clubs later in the semester,” Frankie expressed, “students already have their little cliques and it can be very isolating.” But from the moment he walked through the doors, he knew Wingspan was different. The students immediately made him feel welcome, going out of their way to ensure he knew he belonged.

Frankie wasn’t raised in church and had seen other campus ministries force theology and shame onto other students. “My family is supportive of my leadership in Wingspan,” he chuckled, “but they’re also kind of confused.”

Wingspan opened Frankie’s eyes to a broader, more inclusive Christianity—one that felt personal and relevant to his own life and experiences. It gave him the freedom to explore his faith independently, making decisions and forming beliefs that truly resonated with him. Now, as Wingspan’s Vice President, Frankie is using his gifts to help lead and strengthen the very community that once made him feel so welcome. He has become an integral part of Wingspan’s mission, shaping the ministry and continuing to foster a space of belonging for others. He learned that not only is the campus expansive, so is God’s love.



