One year ago, Deidre sat in Santa Cruz, California wondering if she was going to have to live in a garage in order to continue her college education. She deeply missed her family in North Carolina and longed for an open and healthy community.
She was on a health journey that required an entire lifestyle change. But she found her values for health were in competition with the larger student body. Fentanyl cast a shadow over the students, its grip so relentless that several never made it to graduation, their lives stolen too soon. Deidre, faced with homelessness and a front row seat to a drug epidemic, knew this wasn’t a healthy place to be for her to stay.
In the Summer of 2024 she returned to North Carolina. Rev. Dan Keck, a Lutheran pastor, mentioned WingspanILM to Deidre and her mom. Deirdre didn’t grow up in church, but she always had a longing to explore a relationship with God. Without ever witnessing an inclusive faith community before, she assumed her spiritual journey would be a solitary one. “Because of my previous college experience, I worried about being isolated, without friends.” Deirdre explained, “but I was pleasantly surprised when I came to Wingspan.”
Deirdre has flourished since becoming an essential part of the Wingspan community. She waits with excitement for March when she will travel to El Salvador to work with the Salvadoran Mission Project. Wednesday night meals are the highlight of her week and she’s never afraid to lead the conversation.
“Before Wingspan, I never felt holy enough.” She recalls “But since meeting Christians that aren’t judgemental, it’s given me freedom to not judge myself, to be nicer to myself. And I thank God for that!”
Stories like Deidre’s are only possible through support from our local churches, denominations, and individuals like you.